’Mustafa Gouda writes: Quantum Computer … The Coming Flood ‘1-2

The author explained that this computer will overturn all aspects of our daily lives, and will revolutionise industry, agriculture and medicine, along with the changes that will occur in the design and manufacture of means of transport to be more efficient and safe, and that these computers will break all the codes of complex chemical processes that will enable us to create new drugs, produce cheap fertilisers, unleash a green revolution and manufacture super batteries that make full use of solar energy, and that whoever is ahead in these computers will be able to dominate the future of mankind.

قراءة المزيد

كعكة الشوكولاتة بالكراميل والنبيذ بالكراميل

ترجمة من الأنجليزية للعربية بمعرفة التلغراف نبيذ الكرز العطري، مزيج مثالي من الحلاوة والحموضة، هو إضافة رائعة للحلويات. خاصة عندما

قراءة المزيد

Suad Yassen writes: Bahraini Women’s Day “I read – I learned – I participated”

The 15th anniversary of Bahraini Women’s Day is the first of December as a result of the initiative of Her Royal Highness Princess Sabika bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, the wife of the country’s King and President of the Supreme Council for Women (SCW), God bless her in 2008. The year’s main slogan, “Read – Learned – Participate”, highlights Bahraini women’s renewed achievements, and calls for them to continue to participate in further achievements. This slogan always affirms that Bahrain is not just a place, but a centre of construction and growth every moment, moving forward to a future where Bahraini women continue to shine and be distinguished.”

قراءة المزيد

Suad Yassen writes: International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, celebrated on 25 November, serves as a critical reminder of the perennial issues beset societies around the world. It highlights the importance of leading institutions for the elimination of violence. The Council has played a vital role in defending the rights of Bahraini women and combating violence based on women, the efforts made under the wise leadership of the First Lady of Bahrain

قراءة المزيد

Souad Yassin écrit: Word  Salman  Bin  Hamad Représenter moi

Son Altesse notre Prince Héritier de bon augure a déploré le ciblage des installations civiles et des sites militaires et des opérations de prise d’otages pendant la guerre en cours, soulignant que les attaques continues ont causé des pertes de vies innocentes et n’ont jamais préservé la vie humaine, Son Altesse a également souligné la nécessité de la paix dans la région et d’accélérer l’arrêt du cycle de la violence qui tue des gens. et a demandé à Son Altesse de libérer les otages, de s’abstenir de déplacer de force les Palestiniens et de travailler à réaliser les espoirs et les aspirations du peuple palestinien pour la constitution d’un État et de vivre en sécurité et en paix.

قراءة المزيد

Suad Yassen writes: International Humanitarian Law and What Happens in Gaza

Humanitarian law encompasses a set of rules and regulations designed to reduce human suffering during armed conflict. The distinction refers to distinguishing between combatants and civilians and ensuring that only legitimate military objectives are targeted, proportionality requires that the injury caused by the attack be proportional to the military advantage gained, humanity emphasizes respect for the inherent dignity of each person, while necessity limits the use of force to situations where legitimate military objectives are necessary.

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