طرق حماية الأطفال من الإصابة بمتحور دلتا بلس

صحة – تقارير: بعد أن أصبح متغير دلتا منتشر في معظم دول العالم، والذي يمكن نقله بسهولة أكثر من السلالات السابقة من فيروس كورونا المستجد COVID-19 واصبح منتشرًا على نطاق واسع، من المهم أن تتخذ العائلات خطوات لحماية أطفالهم من الإصابة بالمرض.

قراءة المزيد

Trinity College Dublin: Eclipsing Of Older People In The Pandemic: Ageist Approaches Must Not Underpin Guidance For Future Crises

As we move into the winter months and the possibility of further restrictive measures to counteract the spread of the virus, the findings from the study provide important evidence that policy makers and government should be mindful of regarding future possible public health restrictions.

قراءة المزيد

’Grieving beyond ‘words alone

Stories of grief have been multiplying the world over as humanity continues to grapple with death during this pandemic. What makes me any more qualified to speak of grief and mourning than the next person? Nothing, of course; I offer the following personal reflection in humility. My hope is that some of my experience will resonate with others who have faced a similar trial over the past year, or perhaps prompt further conversation concerning grief.

قراءة المزيد

COVID-19 vaccine shipments in US arriving in states for use in historic push, After 110,000 virus deaths, nursing homes face vaccine fears

Racing for a Remedy: Teams of researchers around the globe are now studying the places and species from which the next pandemic may emerge. Even as the world struggles with COVID-19 devastation, scientists say this pandemic likely won’t be the last. Many scientists are focusing attention on the world’s only flying mammals — bats. Viruses that emerge from bats are more lethal in humans than those from other species. Christina Larson, Aniruddha Ghosal and Marcelo Silva de Sousa report

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